Having to be on the paler side of the asian skin tone, I never really had color in my face and a lot of bronzers I've bought always turn out orange on my face and most of the blushes I thought would just give me a light glow actually never ended up showing up on my face! So I decided to take a risk and go for bolder colors that would actually show up. I do not own a lot of mac products and the main reason to that is because NYX products provide such a quality of makeup that could easily overpower top branded makeup out there. The pigmentation of NYX products are just so superb that sometimes I feel it's so underrated because of the brands that are already in the market.. ESPECIALLY in Canada. Finding NYX products in Canada is a pain and even if you do find them.. they are sold at really high prices. I've bought NYX products online before from the U.S. and have noticed the great price difference between buying the products from U.S. and Canada.. even shipping the products from U.S. to Canada was way cheaper than buying the products here. Enough with the rambling, so recently I decided to splurge and purchase 2 blushes; 'Mocha' and 'Cafe'.. I was aiming at finding Taupe and Angel but they didn't have those 2 colors, so I decided to get 2 colors which were around the same color range and a bit more daring. Something I learned from watching tutorials were that blushes which look really pigmented from the pan isn't really so IN YOUR FACE when you apply them with a light hand.

Cafe , Mocha (without flash) Cafe , Mocha (with flash)
- NYX pigmentation just never fail to impress me.. ONE light dab in the blush provides a whole LOT of color (a litte goes a longgg way), and the smooth texture of the blushes are a plus!
- Mocha is a great blush tone that gives your cheeks a light flush of raspberry tint that really blends well to the paleness of my skin with a light application
- Cafe is a sort of light taupe color with a small tint of purple and gray. It really adds dimensions to your face when used for contouring.
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