Hands down, this product was life changing. Like all of you probably are, I was one of those that watched all those youtube videos reviewing on this product and hearing about how amazing it was but never having the guts to try it out due to the pain of tweezing. I've never liked tweezing or waxing.. they were just TOO painful for me.. but then again tweezing the eyebrows do get painless overtime. Us girls know how annoying it gets when you have to shave almost every couple of days because hairs just sprout like no other. I've always felt uncomfortable wearing sleeveless shirts because that feeling of not having all that hair off and gone just felt so nerve-wracking to even risk missing. Anyways, let's get to this review. There were many versions of this Emjoi epilator but after researching, I figured the Soft Caress that can go both corded and cordless was the best bet since you can bring it on vacation charged up or have it plugged in at home. Now.. I have to warn you that the first time I used this was probably a very very very bad experience. Everything I hoped wasn't going to happen.. happened. So I used it after a shower so my pores were opened.. but even so.. it was SOOO PAINFUL. I remember hearing someone saying they couldn't handle the pain and just took it one step at a time. I took that advice into use and completed my underarms in 3 days by doing a bit at a time. I literally felt like passing out after my first experience with this epilator.. my underarm was burning and my virgin hairs left their hair roots bleeding. Yes I know.. this is very disturbing.. but it was the truth as I never tweezed or waxed my underarms. If you want to know how it feels, just tweeze a hair out to see if you can handle it.. then again the epilator pulls a lot out at once, meaning the pain will pass by quickly instead of tugging each one out at a time. After the 3 days of use.. I took a week break and came back to get rid of the ones that didn't go during the first experience. To my surprise.. it didn't hurt that much anymore! I was shocked because I literally had tears the first time I used it.
I guess sometimes beauty just comes with pain lol. I've been using this product for a little less than a month and it's honestly been the best month ever not having to worry about my underarms! The hairs are growing out EXTREMELY slow (A plus!), and the hairs are so much less noticeable when they do grow out. I'm extremely happy with this experience and I'm glad I went through with the pain! A really good tip is epilate while you're watching something on tv.. I feel there's less pain when you're not looking straight at it while it works away. And using this on shorter hairs instead of growing it out is actually less painful. It use to feel like pulling the hairs out to my skin but now it just feels like a tiny tickle to my skin. What I love the most is I'm able to wear sleeveless shirts any day without worrying about raising my arm to get something! Girls.. invest in one of these when you're able to and throw away all those razors and shaving cream, because they'll be history and you'll never touch them ever again! Truly one of the best products I've ever used having it take away all those razor burn pain.
I bought mine from
and that's the cheapest price I've found it at. I didn't check ebay but it doesn't hurt to search around for the best price. Worth every penny and will NEVER go back to shaving! The shipping came faster than expected, highly recommend buying it from there. Check out the reviews on there if you're still in doubt.
Update: I haven't used my epilator for about a month now.. and my underarm still looked like I just epilated yesterday! very impressed with the results! I've never felt so carefree about the thoughts of shaving ever before. A+
Great review! I hate underarm hair. So gross. lol. I plucked and wax but it takes forever so I'm looking for other options,I will try this. hehe
ReplyDeleteThanks ! You're going to love this ! good luck : )